Warfarin Teva

Warfarin Teva Drug Interactions





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Drug Interactions
Many other medicines affect the way warfarin works. The patient must tell the doctor if he/she is taking other medicines including herbal remedies and medicines that have bought without a prescription.
Drugs which may increase the effect of warfarin include: Anti-arrhythmics such as amiodarone and propafenone (drugs which affect heart rhythm), anabolic steroids, alcohol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents especially phenylbutazone and azapropazone (used to relieve pain and inflammation), antidepressants such as amitriptyline, anti-bacterials especially erythromycin, metronidazole, sulphonamides and anti-fungals such as ketoconazole and miconazole (used to treat infections), thyroxine, clofibrate, allopurinol, disulfiram, cimetidine, danazol, flutamide, tamoxifen, simvastatin, omeprazole and sulphinpyrazone.
Drugs which may reduce the effect of warfarin include: Barbiturates, glutethamide, aminoglutethamide, the anti-epileptics primidone and carbamazepine (used to treat epilepsy), oral contraceptives, rifampicin, griseofulvin, vitamin K and sucralfate.
Drugs which can increase or reduce the effect of warfarin include: Phenytoin, corticosteroids, adrenocorticotropic hormone and cholestyramine.
Drugs which increase the risk of bleeding, because they affect the way blood clots, include: Diflunisal, salicylates, dipyridamole and phenylbutazone.
If the patient drinks cranberry juice or take other cranberry products (e.g. capsules or concentrates), the effect of warfarin in 'thinning' the blood may be increased. While taking warfarin, the patient should avoid drinking/taking these products. If cranberry products are taken for medical reasons (e.g. bladder infections) or regularly drink/take cranberry products, contact the anticoagulant clinic or health advisor before changing the amount to drink/take. The doctor or clinic may wish to monitor the patient more frequently while taking any cranberry product.
Once the patient has started to take the tablets, the anticoagulant treatment booklet must be carried all the time.
Do not go on a diet to lose weight or make any changes to eating habits without first talking to the doctor.
If the patient sees another doctor or visit a hospital, remember to tell them what medicines are already taking.
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